Designated Safeguarding Lead & Family Liaison Officer - Mrs D Kendrick
Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Nurture - Mrs T Tooth
Deputy Headteacher - Miss H Jones
Headteacher-Mrs T Flanagan
Welcome to our Safeguarding Team
At Causeway Green we understand safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. EVERYONE who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.
At Causeway Green Primary School we are committed to safeguarding our children and expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. Adults in school take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage our children to talk to us about anything that may worry them.
What we do in school
ensure all staff and volunteers have DBS clearance and training to identify abuse and what to do if they are concerned
have a safeguarding team who are available to discuss and respond to concerns
have a family support team who are happy to talk to parents and families about any worries and offer support where needed
listen and work with parents if we are concerned about a child (sometimes we may not be able to discuss our concerns with parents and our safeguarding policy, which you can find at the bottom of this page, explains this further)
help children learn about keeping themselves safe including lessons on anti-bullying, e-safety, healthy relationships, healthy eating, road safety
What parents can do to help
Parents are the most important people to keep children safe. You can:
feel confident to raise concerns about your child
talk to school if you need help or support
read the school policies
let us know if your child has a medical condition
let us know if there is a change in circumstances that may affect your child eg house move, family circumstances change
tell us if your child is absent and why
Please see below links for support
Sandwell Family Information Service Hub