Attendance and School Admission Register
Mrs J Walters - Attendance Officer
High attainment, confidence with peers and staff and future aspirations depend on good attendance. Good attendance is important because statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%. Regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically.
School attendance is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent.
Reasons for authorised absences are normally on medical grounds only. There are also days which the authority recognises as religious observance. Parents should inform the school in advance of such occasions by completing a Leave of Absence form, which can be obtained from the school office. Compassionate leave of absence will be considered when discussed with the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher. Shopping trips, haircuts etc will not be taken as reasons for authorised absence.
If there are exceptional circumstances that mean a parent needs to request a leave of absence, then they should obtain and complete a Leave of Absence Request Form from the Attendance Officer. A meeting will be arranged with the Headteacher and the child’s parents, to discuss the request. The Headteacher will then decide whether or not the absence will be authorised, following the Local Authority Guidance contained in the policy below. This needs to be done before parents make any travel arrangements i.e purchasing plane tickets etc. All unauthorised Leave of Absences are referred to the Attendance and Prosecution Service which may result in a Penalty Notice being issued.
We will use the aims below to raise our attendance levels to meet government criteria.
To create an environment that encourages and promotes regular attendance in school.
To work with children, parents and outside agencies to create such an environment.
To adopt clear procedures which are understood by everyone involved in maintaining good attendance at Causeway Green.
To reward good or improving attendance through competitions certificates and events.
Please read our current attendance policy below for further information.
Information on the School Admission Register
Our school holds an electronic register of all children on roll in our school as per guidance from the government guidance Working Together to Improve School Attendance.
It includes all pupils' names and personal details, both of compulsory and non-compulsory school age, including part-time pupils. It Includes the following information for every pupil:
Full name
The name the pupil uses at school
The full name and address of every known parent and an indication of the parent(s) with whom the child normally resides
Emergency contact details of the parent with whom the pupil normally lives – and ideally more than 1 emergency contact number
Date of birth
Date of admission (or re-admission) to the school
Name and address of the school last attended, if any
Where applicable, whether the pupil is a boarder or a day pupil
We create a backup copy of the admission register at least once a month, in printed or electronic form, and keep the copies for 6 years after the end of the school year they relate to. Sections 5 and 7 of The School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024 explain this.
If you are experiencing difficulties with attendance due to social, health, emotional or mental health needs, please speak to our attendance officer and our Pastoral Team. Please also visit our Wellbeing and Mental Health area on our website by following this link: